And they are plenty promising!
Alright first off an explanation of what the Oricon Charts are:
The best way to explain what these charts are is that they are the Japanese equivalent to our Billboard charts and only track sales of CDs from stores that are associated with them (i.e. CDJapan) and they use the numbers from the day prior (as opposed to CDJapan using the actual day they are on) to determine the ranks for a CD.
For these reports I'm going to be using the following rankings:
CD Single Daily
CD Single Weekly
CD Album Daily
CD Album Weekly
Every day that I track here will have the following information:
Number of spots up from the prior day
Number of spots down from the prior day
Number of spots up from the prior week
Number of spots down from the prior week
Let's get started with today's report for the two projects
8/27 - #14 (Debut on the CD Singles daily chart)
JUPITER - Classical Element
8/27 - #14 (Debut on the CD Album daily chart)
I will be keeping tabs on these as I said and reporting the numbers as I get them for the team. The purpose is to have a set of numbers that we can use to back up our efforts to try and get promoters in the United States to bring artists over here. Here's hoping that the projects do well and we'll be able to have plenty of ammo.
Talk to you tomorrow friends

Formed in 2007, Versailles -Philharmonic Quintet- is a Japanese, Visual Kei band whose concept is to achieve "absolute beauty and extreme aestheticism" both visually, and through their music. Their most notable attributes are their French rococo- inspired costumes, duel guitar sound, and heavy but melodic compositions.
Part 3 of KAMIJO's interview with URE PIA Souken
Better late than never but here is part 3 (and the final part to boot) of KAMIJO's interview with URE PIA Souken. Enjoy!
- Versailles and KAMIJO-san’s popularity abroad
was really high, that’s why you decided to make a tour around South America and
Europe, and you were literally travelling around the world. According to 「Cool
Japan」, ways to show Japanese culture to the other
countries have been discussed in various forms. But we would like to hear the
opinion of KAMIJO-san, who toured around the world.
KAMIJO: People in other countries accept Japanese culture, which pleases me
immensely. But the truth is that when you go somewhere, you can meet also
people, whose knowledge is really limited. The reason is that not all people in
the country have the same level of knowledge about Japan.
Still many people
don’t know the good side of Japan and that’s a great loss. At the same time,
when Versailles started activities, Visual Kei began to attract the interest in
Europe, and then in America and Asia, but also South America started showing
its considerable interest. However, months went by, people gradually began to
quit and stayed with us only those really good.
That’s why I think the
other way than 「Cool Japan」, who says that we don’t treat other countries
seriously. With a solid foundation built on the artistic achievements in Japan,
I would like to be able to be the representative of Japan in the world. What
has become a hot topic lately – I think it’s not good for culture of Japan to
go abroad so carelessly.
- So how, do you think, we should support
growth of Visual Kei in interested countries?
KAMIJO: I’d like to take all of my wonderful Japanese STAFF abroad. Of course,
people in other countries are amazing too, but still Visual Kei scene is not
only itself, it’s not only the artist, it’s everyone from staff around it and I
think this way would be better. That’s why if I could take everyone with me
abroad, I could show the splendor of Japanese Visual Kei, I think. So if I had
budget for that, isn’t that a good way to support it?
- So in the current situation, when going on
world tour, you have to choose an elite STAFF, who will go with you?
KAMIJO: No doubt there are artists, who do that, but I’d rather say they’re
minority. The other thing is that since there is a limit of the number of
devices and music equipment that you can take with you on a plane, happens that
you have to rent them for example on the spot.
The Visual Kei scene
is really amazing. I think that if it was only the music, it would be created
only by musicians. But Visual Kei are not only musicians, its make-up artists,
photographers, videographers, many different artists are involved in creating
music, to be able to hear it better. Many staff employees are involved also in
songs and I wonder whether in this way Visual Kei scene doesn’t become deeper?
I think that this scene is more united than others. That’s why I think that
Visual Kei is the greatest. Taking this opportunity, I would like to say「Thank you」to every Staff worker of the scene. From now on let’s keep livening up
Visual Kei together.
Part 2 of an Interview with KAMIJO from URE PIA Souken
Hey gang!
Well...we got part 2 of the interview for you as translated by Arianne and I hope that you all will enjoy this part as this one actually isn't as long as the last...its actually quite short in comparison!Q
Part 2
Well...we got part 2 of the interview for you as translated by Arianne and I hope that you all will enjoy this part as this one actually isn't as long as the last...its actually quite short in comparison!Q
Part 2
- Do you
plan releasing the full album and LIVE performances after single will be released?
KAMIJO: I think that album will come out. I’m
working at a rate of one single, so I can pour feelings into each song. I’d like to release (album) as fast as it’s possible, but working according to the
principle that I finish songs one after the other. As for concerts, Versailles’ LIVEs were played
fast and based on the two-bass (rhythm),
so I think that they were attractive. That is why I want my solo LIVEs to be more
interesting, so I guess I’d like to create a performance that will be different
in terms of visuals from Versailles’ ones.
- Some time
ago you said about 『Louis ~Enketsu no La vie en Rose~』 , that 「It's a song written with feelings towards the
Visual Kei」, but it seems that you, KAMIJO-san, have
your own, different approach to the 「Visual Kei」 scene.
KAMIJO: As for me, firstly 「Visual Kei」 is not a
genre. I think that these are different titles, which help the musician -
having ideas for a variety of other methods – to express him not only through
the music.
My first band LAREINE major debuted in year
1999. At that time, during the Visual Kei
boom, there were a lot of great bands with so-called 「The big four
of Visual Kei」 at the forefront. In such circumstances our
LAREINE had a very low position (underground),
because we debuted at the end of that boom. Then came the times in which the scene has
become not really impressive and I felt responsible to set an example for my
younger colleagues. And it became my propulsion, my power.
The values and feelings, which we took over,
which we created, reached not only the audience but I think that also our
younger colleagues, who took it over and it became a power that made them start
activities on their own.
Of course, I still haven’t changed my style,
what are largely thanks to support of my fans.
- 「Visual Kei」 gives many
possibilities. One of the reasons for which on Visual Kei scene appear new
bands is the ease of gaining fans, but there are also cases where active band
leaves the stage.
KAMIJO: Visual Kei is inherent to 「poison」. From the beginning there were many people, who
like to stylize for Visual Kei, but doesn’t, for example, metal bands enter the
Visual Kei realms when they wear make-up? I have a feeling that lately people
think that 「I will probably become popular (when I’ll put
on make-up) ?」. Now
there are more and more good-looking bands. But they can’t escape it. I think
that this is good in Visual Kei. Because it has good-looking musicians
(laughs). If you once put on a mask, you
won’t be able to take it off (laughs).
But it happens not only to musicians, because
Visual Kei has an effect on fans and listeners, who also can’t escape it.
Moments, when you more often think "it's
beautiful, it's good-looking" when watching pictures, than when listening
to the music, I call 「Awakening」.
I think that there is no other scene so full
of toxin. Neither the metal scene, or
punk, or any other drowns so deep in toxin…. That’s why I love it so much.
Of course I want to offer you, who listen to
the music, songs, which are not only poisonous, but they also give a life in
color of roses. I want roses to fill lives of people, who will listen to the
climax of my first solo single’s 『Louis〜』 lyrics, which says 「La vie en Rose,
I want to color you with bewitching colors」.
Moreover, in MV to this song appears Mana-san
Mois). Mana-san told me the story about world full of roses and he is the one,
who introduced this world to me. And
Mana-san being such a teacher appears in my MV, in which I showed the moment of
my awakening in Visual Kei, so I think I’d like people watching this MV to keep
this in mind and also awake.
For me, meticulously following the example of
Visual Kei ends on 「School of Aesthetics」. People,
who follow Visual Kei, first of all want to be handsome, beautiful and more
impressive than anyone else – such feelings are born in them – and I think that
this is exactly the soul of Visual Kei. Mana-san,
being my teacher, told me 「Why there must be so few bands to which fit
roses? 」.
Thinking of making the revolution
together I invited him, and this time we will perform together.
A new addition to the US Street Team's attack
Hey gang!
So tonight Tori and I started a podcast for the US Street Team. I think the show went pretty well if I do say so myself and I think Tori would agree with this as well.
Here's the thing: We want to do better!
Tonight's show was a good start I think as a "pilot episode" but as we move on we want more interaction amongst the members. Here is the link to the first episode Tori and I did tonight
US KAMIJO Street Team Podcast #1
Our podcasts will be done on Saturday Nights at 11:00 PM unless someone has a better suggestion. The main reason it has to be that late is because right now the account I use doesn't have a premium member status so any "early" times like 7-9 PM aren't available to me. We also are doing them on Saturdays to examine the numbers from the week as far as the sales of the single as well as keep tabs on JUPITER's standing in the US so that we have a plan of attack to use with promoters and whatnot. I'm looking forward to hearing from you guys next Saturday and in the coming weeks for the show because we want your participation and support friends.
I hope to see you all there
Joshua Curtis
skype: Amisbro
So tonight Tori and I started a podcast for the US Street Team. I think the show went pretty well if I do say so myself and I think Tori would agree with this as well.
Here's the thing: We want to do better!
Tonight's show was a good start I think as a "pilot episode" but as we move on we want more interaction amongst the members. Here is the link to the first episode Tori and I did tonight
US KAMIJO Street Team Podcast #1
Our podcasts will be done on Saturday Nights at 11:00 PM unless someone has a better suggestion. The main reason it has to be that late is because right now the account I use doesn't have a premium member status so any "early" times like 7-9 PM aren't available to me. We also are doing them on Saturdays to examine the numbers from the week as far as the sales of the single as well as keep tabs on JUPITER's standing in the US so that we have a plan of attack to use with promoters and whatnot. I'm looking forward to hearing from you guys next Saturday and in the coming weeks for the show because we want your participation and support friends.
I hope to see you all there
Joshua Curtis
skype: Amisbro
An update on the "Classical Element" release date mixup
Hey guys!
Well I got some news for you guys concerning a mixup that happened earlier in the day that was discovered by my friend Arianne from the Poland Street Team.
Earlier today on tumblr it was discovered by our friend Arianne (second-fear on tumblr) that there was a date change of 8/13/2013 for the release date of "Classical Element" on JUPITER's discography. I decided to go checking around for the US Amazon store as well as CDJapan to see if there was in fact any known date change and there wasn't. The homepage of Jupiter's website reflected the original release date of 8/28/2013 so there is no confusion as there was earlier.
For those that want to see what I'm talking about here's the link to the image on "second-fear"'s tumblr blog
and here's the link to the corrected date as it stands now:
Its a bit worrysome that there was an error like this in the first place BUT what can you do right?
Have good one friends
Joshua L. Curtis
(skype: Amisbro)
NOTE: I know that this is more of a "JUPITER" news flash but since this kind of falls under the "Versailles" umbrella I figured I would include it as such on this blog
Well I got some news for you guys concerning a mixup that happened earlier in the day that was discovered by my friend Arianne from the Poland Street Team.
Earlier today on tumblr it was discovered by our friend Arianne (second-fear on tumblr) that there was a date change of 8/13/2013 for the release date of "Classical Element" on JUPITER's discography. I decided to go checking around for the US Amazon store as well as CDJapan to see if there was in fact any known date change and there wasn't. The homepage of Jupiter's website reflected the original release date of 8/28/2013 so there is no confusion as there was earlier.
For those that want to see what I'm talking about here's the link to the image on "second-fear"'s tumblr blog
and here's the link to the corrected date as it stands now:
Its a bit worrysome that there was an error like this in the first place BUT what can you do right?
Have good one friends
Joshua L. Curtis
(skype: Amisbro)
NOTE: I know that this is more of a "JUPITER" news flash but since this kind of falls under the "Versailles" umbrella I figured I would include it as such on this blog
Part 1 of an Interview with KAMIJO from URE PIA Souken
NOTE: This interview was translated by my friend Arianne from the Poland Street Team with my help checking for errors. The two places I am posting this are here and my tumblr. If there's any corrections I missed I apologize but this is the best I could do for her.
Have fun
Have fun
Solo debut of 「KAMIJO」, the young nobleman from School of Aesthetics! Brilliant story about
the charm
of Visual Kei full of 「poison」
Interview: Fujitani Chiaki
Translation: Ariane
Corrections: Amisbro (Joshua Curtis)
Translation: Ariane
Corrections: Amisbro (Joshua Curtis)
Leader of the Visual Kei band called Versailles, Kamijo appears
with his solo debut and he also appears in URE PIA Souken! We made a long
interview with him about his solo single bewitching with its 「aesthetics」and about warm love to
Visual Kei.
Versailles, the Visual Kei band, which with its beautiful way of
perceiving the world was very famous even abroad, followed the concept of 「Descendants of the Rose」. Leader of the band, KAMIJO-san on the 28th of
August will debut with his long awaited solo single『Louis ~Enketsu no La vie en
Rose~』. And in
this kind of mood he visited URE PIA Souken! This interview is about his
policy, approach to 「School of Aesthetics」.
- Kamijo-san, what made you think about the solo career, if
earlier you have been active in bands?
KAMIJO: Versailles’ hiatus at the end of last year. I didn’t think of any
other method, but solo career as the next method to express myself, so from the
beginning I was thinking of debuting as a solo artist.
- So didn’t you think about creating a band for example?
KAMIJO: I’m already in the band Versailles. And I was thinking if
I’m good. Excluding Versailles I was playing in a band called LAREINE (major
debut in 1999 and went on hiatus in 2007), that’s why I was thinking if I
really need any other title in current situation? That’s why under the name 「KAMIJO」 I’ve started a solo career.
- And your debut single is to be released on 28th of
August『Louis ~Enketsu no La vie en Rose~』.
KAMIJO: The word 「Enketsu」is a word formation. It
should be understood as 「The charming color of
blood」. Because I like France very much,
initially the name of a band LAREINE was taken from French word describing
QUEEN, so Marie Antoinette. It’s
similar with Versailles, so all the time I was active (in projects) having the
names related to French history. However, obviously 「KAMIJO」isn’t related to French language at all. It’s Japanese language with its full blast (laugh). That’s why I thought of using 「Louis」as a name for debut single.
- The name 「Louis」 brings to mind the king of France, Louis XVI, who was executed
during The French Revolution.
KAMIJO: Yes, that’s right. For generations the word 「Louis」 was addressed to a
king, that’s why I chose this name. I
created the song carrying so many various wishes, which match the scene of
Visual Kei.
- Moreover, in addition to main song, B-side tracks 『Grazioso』and『Gensō trianon』on
regular edition have been recorded.
KAMIJO: 『Grazioso』in Italian means 「Elegantly」. This piece is probably
the same story as written in 『Louis〜』, but seen from the other angle, because I think that everyone is
living their life in a different way. And I
also ask myself, if I will go through my life in my individual elegant way. Seems like I simply put my feelings about
walking this path into this song.
『Gensō trianon』is also
related to The French Revolution, but I want to entrust the question of “what kind of person is the main character?” to the listeners. This
song is already one year old and at first its title had to be 「Maboroshi」 (Illusion) and I’m glad that exactly like if illusion became reality, this song
finally was able to see the daylight.
(The end of part 1 of 3)
Live DVD Update
New release: Live DVD
Recently Versailles has announced the release of a DVD featuring footage from their performance at the NHK Hall December 20th.
Nominate Versailles for the Shorty Awards!
Fellow Descendants, we need your help! Please join us in nominating Versailles for the Shorty Awards.
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