
Street team meet up!

Now, you're probably wondering: "How can we do a meet up in the United States? We're a bit too spread out for that aren't we?"

This may be true for a physical meeting, however, we are organizing a meet up online via our new Ustream channel!  

The live stream meet up will take place on:

Saturday October 8th,  at 5:00pm Eastern Standard Time. 
For those living in different time zones that's:

Central: Saturday, October 8th at 4:00pm
Mountain: Saturday, October 8th at 3:00pm
Pacific: Saturday, October 8th at 2:00pm
Alaska: Saturday, October 8th at 1:00pm
Hawaii-Aleutian: Saturday, October 8th at 12:00pm

If we missed anyone, please use this Time Zone Converter here.
 During the live stream, we would like to introduce you to a new project that we have planned for the team, as well as answer any questions you may have concerning Versailles' relationship with the United States or the street team, and take suggestions for any project ideas you may have. We also just want you to meet fellow Versailles fans and have fun!

Also, the meeting is open to everybody! Whether you're American, Canadian, South American, European, everyone is welcome to come meet us and discuss the band we all love. If you just absolutely can't make it, don't sweat it, the video will be recorded and added to our channel's library for viewing as well.

We hope to see you next Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. Also, a bit of heads up, there will be advertisements on the stream because we have a free account. If you can, please figure out how to enable ad blockers on your browsers. For example, if you are using Firefox, you can install the "Adblock plus" add-on and it will block any sort of ads. This will make the time a lot more enjoyable for you, and easier for us. :)
