
Versailles Live on J-Melo

The time has come once again for anyone that wants to watch Versailles perform a live to get that chance! Tomorrow, NHK World's "J-MELO" will air a pre-taped Versailles live at 8:30 AM Japan Time.

That will be:

Eastern: Saturday, June 26th at 7:30pm
Central: Saturday, June 26th at 6:30pm
Mountain: Saturday, June 26th at 5:30pm
Pacific: Saturday, June 26th at 4:30pm
Alaska: Saturday, June 26th at 3:30pm
Hawaii-Aleutian: Saturday, June 26th at 2:30pm

Once again, for anyone in a time zone other than the ones listed, this website may be of service to you. Just make sure to specify that it will be June 27 at 8:30am Japan time.
We would also like to point out that NHK World's J-MELO is aired in English for worldwide viewing.

We will post reminders on twitter tomorrow before the show starts, including the link so that hopefully everyone can watch.

We are Versailles!

Fellow Descendants,
Tori & Nick

**EDIT: For unknown reasons, the link we posted is no longer working, however we have received four more links where you can watch J-Melo (all in English I believe - don't quote me on this). If the previously posted link is not working at least an hour before the show comes on (we will be sending twitter reminders) then please try one or more of these new links. Thank you to @blackdescendant and @ElleYuuji for these:



  1. Thanks so much for this info! :D But for some reason when I click on the link to go to the J-Melo Channel, I keep getting a message that says "502 Bad Gateway" ! :O which is weird because it was working just fine yesterday T__T I hope the issue resolves itself before the broadcast today!

  2. It wasn't doing that yesterday...
    Thank you, we're going to try to get some alternate links right away.

  3. The website was having some issues, but it seems to be back up now. However, we have posted some new links where you can watch it in case it still doesn't work for you.

  4. Hello Again! NOW the website seems to be working just fine ^^; haha but thanks SO MUCH for these alternative links ! you guys are awesome ^__^
